Sunday, 12 May 2013

I got it wrong, mark one

I have argued that we are all the same under the colour of our skin.

I was way wrong about that.

There are seven billion people around on Planet Earth right now.

Every one of us is unique and different.

Skin colour is a uniquely poor method of differentiating the good guys from the bad guys.

What makes each and every one of us unique has a lot of components.

And the simplistic battle lines of Christian / Muslim for instance, which is the commonest trope nowadays, seems alien to me.

I am neither a Christian nor a Muslim. As far as God goes, he is, well, not proven in the traditional Scottish verdict.

I have been playing around with other Venn diagrams, in a sort of delta space.


There are Muslims that clearly believe in science. There are clearly Christians that disbelieve in it. Conversely, there has to be an intersection between, say Muslims that believe in science and Christians that believe in science that at least occludes their other differences? Psychologists argue that (sexual, i.e. reproductive) relationships are built on a combination of familiarity and availability. I will return to that in a moment. Whilst the extremes, the Muslims that don't believe in science versus the Christians that don't believe in science appear, on that analysis to be completely alienated - the Venn diagrams do not touch and may as well be on separeate Earths - there is for the, albeit smaller numbers that have the common cause of science, perhaps not so much of a difference. There is common ground, albeit of a similarly abstract, but different, set of understandings.
And that is only one Venn diagram. Any attempt to comprehend the modern world based solely on religious beliefs and myths is quite likely to collide with, say Newton, Copernicus,Darwin, Adam Smith or this guy, Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī . There will be those of us that look at a cell phone as a magical device, but it is unlikely that everyone will. And that goes across all cultures.  

It seems to me that sexuality has a bit to do with change, for it is change I am trying to express here.

Quite a lot of folk are quite willing to love and care for people that seem, to others, to be excluded from their Venn diagram of  'acceptable' partners. If you were, for instance, a white supremacist, you might argue that whites should only marry whites. But not all whites are supremacists, and not all whites agree with their philosophy. The converse is also true.

So, somewhere, in fact in many places around the world, London for instance, miscegenation takes place. Point - I do not think that that is a bad thing, I think it is a word that has had completely the wrong value judgement placed on it. Just in case you are a racist reading this, I think miscegenation is a good, indeed,  I think miscegenation may be our ultimate salvation.

It seems to me that all sides have their violent stereotypes. How, exactly does that deal with the somewhat simplistic fact that we are not actually killing each other on the streets, day in day out? Perhaps because there is an almost gravitational attraction between the mass of humanity -versus- it's outliers.I was, when a lot younger, extremely impressed by the Reverend Iain Paisley. Not for what he had to say, but for the ferocity with which he held his beliefs, his ability to stir up emotions in his 'flock'. It is noteable, that despite media coverage that even had me aware of him, his 'flock' never grew particularily large. Indeed, even in that hotbed of religious competition there is a tiny intersection of the Venn diagrams, allegedly circa 2% of the population reject segregation. Not, in itself, particularily positive, but perhaps again indicative of how gravity works.

It is, perhaps, simplistic but it seems to me that attraction on an almost atomic or personal level can outweigh repulsion at a cultural level. This is, in no way whatsoever, a result. It is, at most, an expected direction of travel. Whether the great repulsors, the conservative of a religious or racist origin can outwit human affection is the fight we are all having, whether we recognise it or not.



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